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The youth group at FFBC is a great place for teens to interact with their faith as they transition through adolescence into young adulthood. In the midst of a changing world with shifting cultural trends, we desire to see every teen rooted in the unchanging Rock - Jesus.
Come throw dodgeballs, eat snacks, and see how God fits into it all!

When and where is it? Friday evenings - 7:30-10:00pm at the church
Who's it for? Those age 12 at the start of the youth year (September) up to graduation

For over 40 years FFBC has hosted and run an AWANA kids club. Taking its name from 2 Timothy 2:15, AWANA aims to train up "Approved Workers [who] Are Not Ashamed", and who "rightly handle the Word of Truth".

We invite our youth (grades 7-12) to join us at AWANA as well for a more in-depth study geared towards their age and the challenges they are facing as they grow.

We would also love to see C&C's volunteer as helpers with our AWANA club; there are many positions available.

When and where is it? Wednesday evenings - 7:00-8:30pm at the church
Who's it for? Kindergarten - Grade 12

College & Career events at FFBC are all about connecting with other young adults who share a common faith to encourage one another and have fun together.

When and where is it? Once a month - Contact the Church Office for the next event
Who's it for? Ages 18~40

Sunday Mornings

Worship Services

Our Sunday morning worship services are our primary time to, as a congregation of believers, join together in worship of God and study of His Word.

Our worship times are led by qualified musicians who take care to choose both songs and styles that appeal to a broad range of taste, yet always point to the glory of God and the praise of His name.

In our sermons we strive to preach the Gospel of Jesus in each message, faithfully expositing the Word of God which we believe entirely points to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We invite both our youth and college & careers to join us in this service.

When and where is it? 9:00-10:15 & 11:00-12:15 in the church sanctuary
Who's it for? All ages