Women's Bible Study
Connection, prayer, worship, and laughter. Our Women's Bible study runs each Thursday evening and is a wonderful times of diving deeper into God's Word as well as encouragement, joy, and friendship for ladies young, old, and anywhere in between!
When and where is it? Thursday evenings at 7:00pm at the Cavey's house. Contact Sharon Cavey for more information.
Who's it for? Ladies of All Ages
Sunday Mornings
Prayer Meeting
We believe that prayer is the bedrock of all ministry within the church. We at Faith Fellowship desire to gather together for corporate prayer in order to seek the Lord's face as we do His work in the city of Brandon. We take time each Sunday before the morning services to pray together for each other, our church ministries, any health concerns, our city & country, our church missionaries, and our church leadership. All are welcome to join us.
When and where is it? 8:30 & 10:30 on Sunday mornings in the Fellowship Hall
Who's it for? All Ages
Worship Services
Our Sunday morning worship services are our primary time to, as a congregation of believers, join together in worship of our God and study of His Word.
Our worship times are led by qualified musicians who take care to choose both songs and styles that appeal to a broad range of taste, yet always point to the glory of God and the praise of His name.
In our sermons we strive to preach the Gospel of Jesus in each message, faithfully expositing the Word of God which we believe entirely points to the person and work of Jesus Christ.
When and where is it? 9:00-10:15 & 11:00-12:15 in the church sanctuary
Who's it for? All ages
Small Groups / FLOCKS
We believe in the importance of small group ministry - discipleship at the “grass roots” level. A small home group Bible study is a great place to ask questions, seek Biblical answers to tough, everyday situations and decision making, pray with a group of friends, and build a deeper relationship with God. It’s a great place to learn how to build into other people’s lives and have them respond in like manner to you and your family.
When and where is it? Various times and locations are available for Small Groups. Contact the Church Office to learn more.
Who's it for? All Ages